I'm so glad the the Berkeley Daily Planet has folded. Not that I would have needed to worry about the poison they spread for so long in Berkeley for several years (if I even end up at Berkeley), but it's nice to know that evil does not always end up on top. Sometimes it comes a deserved cropper.
As abundantly documented by the stalwarts at Daily Planet Watchdog, the editor of that newspaper, Becky O'Malley, waged an unmerciful hate campaign against Israel, Jews, and anyone who disagreed with her point of view about Israel and the Jews.
Israel and Jews are of course the canary in the coalmine of western civilization. If Berkeley is not a good place for Jews, how must it be for other ethnicities?
Well, we know it's very good for Arabs.
In every issue, the pages of the Berkeley Daily Planet bore witness to the intellectual pogrom against Israel. Such people as Joseph Anderson, Rob Kanter, Stephen Pearcy, and Hassan Fouda all sprung to criticise one regime in the middle east, and one regime only. Whatever else happened in the region did not interest them, but the merest blip out of Israel moved them to insensate fury. Egged on, of course, by the lily-white earthmother aged hippies of Berkeley, whose desperation to be revolutionary and meaningful trumped any sense of decency they might otherwise have had.
Collectively, Anderson, Kanter, Pearcy, Fouda (and wife), and their readership the radical middle-classes of the Berkeley flatlands, railed, jibbered, ranted, and spewed. Quite the obscenity.
I get the impression that the hothouse atmosphere of a college town leads to brain fever among the longtime residents. Especially those with no claim to any perspicacity or intellect.
As attested by another blogger:
But, as of a few weeks ago, the Berkeley Daily Planet ceased publishing, and became a web parking place for occassional shallow diatribes.
Becky O'Malley still lives, but her pet hate project has, for all intents and purposes, died. Rest not in peace, remain unlamented, and be forgotten soon.
Quote: "In its Dec. 3, edition, the Berkeley Daily Planet published a letter from an Atlanta man who claimed that Zionist Jews conspired with Eichmann and Hitler in the Final Solution. In the letter, he stated, "Zionists collaborated in sending the bulk of Hungary’s Jews to the gas chambers in exchange for allowing your relatives and a few rich Jews to leave and go to Palestine as the basis for a Zionist state."
Such repellent fiction is commonplace on neo-Nazi websites where Jews are often blamed for their own victimization, but any responsible newspaper would reject this erroneous and inflammatory statement.
However, the Daily Planet has a history of making Jews scapegoats. Israelis and their American Jewish supporters have more than once been compared to Nazis. Local American Jews have been called spies and fifth columnists for Israel. A writer once gloated that she was lucky that she did not marry a Jew. In 2006, the Daily Planet printed a letter from India which claimed that the Jews got what they deserved in the Holocaust.
That, as much as anything, pretty much encapsulates Berkeley, The Daily Planet, and Becky O'Malley herself.
1 day ago
As much as Becky O'Malley would love to blame the Zionists, apparently the coup de grace was getting ripped off by her accountants. It couldn't have happened to a nicer lady!
ReplyDeleteWhen it announced last month that its final print edition would occur on February 25, 2010, the Berkeley Daily Planet also tacitly acknowledged defeat in its conflict with elements of the East Bay Jewish community. Viewed as anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic by increasing numbers of Jewish residents and ultimately by some leaders of the Jewish community, the Planet’s demise was, nonetheless, not a cause for celebration.
To the extent that the Planet did fall because of its anti-Semitism, it was due to the spontaneous actions of individuals who put an inordinate amount of time and energy into defeating hatred and intolerance. With the exception of signing a few petitions, the leaders of the organized Jewish community were conspicuous by their absence from this conflict. O’Malley inadvertently exposed what many Bay Area Jews already perceive: that our leadership is next to useless. Some arrived on the scene of the conflict as the Planet was going into cardiac arrest and then showed sufficient concern to put a few nails into an already sealed coffin.
More than this, the inability of the organized Jewish community to seriously act in the face of obvious and vicious anti-Semitism has resulted in the creation of a number of underground Jewish “groups” that see their mission as stepping into the defense vacuum the organized community continues to create. Such groups now exist in various parts of our geographically dispersed community. These collections of individuals are amorphous, loosely associated, and function more in the mode of cells than in any strict organizational hierarchy.
The Planet has folded, but O’Malley’s legacy continues. O’Malley has become an inspiration to Jewish activists, who have learned that being self-reliant in challenging the growing anti-Semitism of the far left is vital to Jewish security. This is not the legacy O’Malley intended to create. It is, nonetheless, the one for which many of us will remember her.