More and more Dutch Jews are leaving the country of their birth for a safe haven elsewhere. That, in short, is the message of an article by Charles Sanders in the Telegraaf newspaper and a related piece by Jeroen Langelaar in Elsevier magazine in the Netherlands. This per ATBOTH at Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers.
" ... The number of incident-complaints rose last year by 55% "
This statement, by reader Luuk in Groningen, is indicative of attitudes among the Dutch: "Better the Jewish interest groups should criticise their home country Israel over the discrimination of Palestinians. No wonder that more and more people have started despising Jews"( 'Laat de Joodse belangenorganisatie's hun thuisland Israël maar eens op de vingers tikken over de discriminatie van Palestijnen. Geen wonder dat er steeds meer mensen een hekel krijgen aan Joden' ).
Note here the combination of several ideas: Jews are foreigners in the Netherlands (where they have been for centuries), Jews are to blame for what Israel does, Jews in Europe belong in Israel but also don't belong in Israel because it belongs to the Palestinians (!), and it is both natural and good to despise Jews.
We do not hold Palestinian Americans responsible for the terrorism committed by their cousins, nor for the murderous attitudes expressed in the Palestinian media.
We do not hold Irish Americans responsible for the outrages done in their name by the murderers of the IRA.
We do not hold Russian Americans responsible for the slaughter of Chechen civilians.
" ... it is both natural and good to despise Jews "
But the Dutch - the most "tolerant" tribe on the planet, nota bene! - hold Jews responsible for things of which they disapprove.
Several readers postulated that Amsterdam Jews should loudly demonstrate against Israel and the misbehavior of their own people.
If they didn't do so, then they deserved to be hated and discriminated.
If this is the best that Europe can offer, the bastion of liberal democratic values, then Europe is done for. Clearly they have reverted to the barbarism and bigotries of the past.
It isn't only the Dutch.
The largest trade union in Britain has endorsed the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, in the spirit of International anti-Semitism now improved by politically correct smarm.
The Swedes refuse to load or unload Israeli ships - Scandinavians are ever sanctimonious, and it is comfortable to have one bigotry that everyone can agree on.
The French have yielded control of many of their urban areas to the unholy alliance of socialists and Jew-hating immigrants, the Turks sponsor terrorism and actively share NATO secrets with Syria and Iran, the Pakistanis support murderous extremists, and the Indonesians volunteer for Jihad.
At the root of much of this is the politically correct Jew-hate so common and fashionable in Europe, the Third World, United Nations Headquarters, and Berkeley.
There is nothing that Europe can teach us, and it is time we acknowledged that fact. Here in the United States things may not be perfect - but lord save us if we import anymore European ideas. We're far better off importing Jews.
5 hours ago
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